During your initial visit with Dr Ahmed you will need to provide a complete medical history. You will need to undergo an appropriate physical examination. If you don’t wish to be examined please make let the reception staff or Dr. Ahmed know. This visit will last between 15-20 minutes. Depending on the complexity of the medical situation it can go longer.

Some patients may require more detailed investigations which Dr Ahmed will organise. These will be arranged and the results will be discussed at a subsequent visit (review consultation). A review consultation usually will last between 5-10 minutes.

If you require surgery, the potential options will be explained to you. Any procedure will be explained to you. This will include the expected results and any associated risks or potential complications. You will have the opportunity to ask questions; and even if you remember something later on ; you can call or email the practice; and Dr Ahmed will get back to you. We strive to provide excellent clear and straightforward communication.

Although complications are rare, all surgeries, especially those that involve anaesthesia, carry some risks. Dr Ahmed will outline these for you based on the specific procedure.

Our practice strives to provide written information with patient handouts/brochures and diagram. Anything that is unclear; we would certainly welcome a phonecall or email to alleviate this uncertainty.