
Why did your family doctor (GP) refer me to you and not some other specialist?


GPs refer patients to multiple specialists based on the particular medical issue at hand. A Specialist is someone who has the skills to manage that particular problem. Generally there are multiple specialists available to handle a particular medical issue. Most GPs have a good working relationship with particular specialists and so therefore refer patients on [...]

Why did your family doctor (GP) refer me to you and not some other specialist?2017-03-12T22:48:57+11:00

Are my medical records kept private?


Medical records are kept private and are held on a database. We use a particular medical software (Blue Chip) which runs a paperless office. All data is backed up on external drives with a further backup on the server. We have engaged a senior IT partner to address these issues. Patients can access their medical [...]

Are my medical records kept private?2017-03-12T22:48:33+11:00

What should I expect during first (initial) consultation?


During your initial visit with Dr Ahmed you will need to provide a complete medical history. You will need to undergo an appropriate physical examination. If you don’t wish to be examined please make let the reception staff or Dr. Ahmed know. This visit will last between 15-20 minutes. Depending on the complexity of the [...]

What should I expect during first (initial) consultation?2017-03-12T22:47:56+11:00

Do I need a written referral to make an appointment?


As a medical specialist Dr Ahmed can only see patients who have a written referral. Without a referral you cannot claim your entitled Medicare benefit. Please ensure you have this letter, or that your General Practitioner or other specialist has sent the referral. Referrals can be faxed/emailed or posted. If you don’t have the referral [...]

Do I need a written referral to make an appointment?2017-03-12T22:47:24+11:00

Health-Care Financial Terminology – please explain?


The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) is a list of medical services subsidised by the Australian Government.  Each service covered by the schedule has an Item Number.  The MBS details how much Medicare will pay for each Item Number.  The Medicare Schedule Fee is what you can expect Medicare and your Private Health Insurer to pay for a particular Item Number. A gap is the [...]

Health-Care Financial Terminology – please explain?2017-02-27T08:08:27+11:00

When do i see Dr Ahmed after the operation?


Depending on the operation (day surgery or overnight stays) - you will see Dr Ahmed the next day. An appointment will need to be made and Dr Ahmed would like to see you 2-3 weeks following surgery. If there are any concerns after an operation, Dr Ahmed would like to hear from you as soon as [...]

When do i see Dr Ahmed after the operation?2017-01-28T12:33:36+11:00

Does Dr Ahmed participate in the “no gap” arrangement with various health funds?


We usually charge the AMA fee ( as set by the Australian medical Association). There will be an out of pocket expense (gap). We do aim to look after all of our patients. We do not “turn patients” away and aim to provide a solution if there is a financial issue.

Does Dr Ahmed participate in the “no gap” arrangement with various health funds?2016-12-20T14:17:58+11:00

Will Dr Ahmed perform my surgery if i am a public patient in a public hospital?


The registrar (doctor in training) will perform the operation. The operation may be supervised by Dr Ahmed but the hospital has the right to move patients to other operating lists without Dr Ahmed being present. Some patients will prefer to be a private patient (self paying) in the public hospital.

Will Dr Ahmed perform my surgery if i am a public patient in a public hospital?2016-12-20T14:15:04+11:00
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